This has been a great summer so far. We are truly figuring out how to get it done, efficiently. That makes it more enjoyable and it has been better for family time. The house is almost completed, in its renovations. It has been a long time coming. The neighbors are looking forward to seeing the updated look. The gardens are up to par, looking great. I have worked very hard on them this year. More than any year in recent memory, for obvious reasons and not so obvious! Connie is just barely making it. We are trying to get meds stabilized but it has been most difficult. This is a difficult illness to manage under optimal conditions.
Plans are in the works to have our niece up from DE for the weekend. Emma is thrilled and has been so excited she squeezes my head and squeals! Its great to see her like this. It is sure to been a crazy weekend with 2 2year olds. Or as Emma says 2 and a half. Abby is only 6 weeks younger. Abby's twin sisters will stay in Rochester with their maternal grandmother.
We have made our reservations for Cape Cod and plan to be there mid august for four days. We enjoy going to various area's on the Cape each year. This should be the best visit we have had as Emma only takes one nap and is more mobile.
I have been primed to take a lead role at work. So far so good. Looking forward to a raise in position, raise in responsibility and raise in pay. New budget takes effect in October...
That is what has been happening on this side!